Sunday, August 25, 2024

Embracing the Gloom

Not a HAPI Story.

Today feels different. It's one of those days where everything feels just a little heavier, and the energy I usually carry seems to be running on low. I'm not entirely sure why, but perhaps it's the gloomy weather outside that's seeped into my mood. The sky, overcast with thick clouds, seems to be mirroring what's happening inside me.

There’s a kind of weight that accompanies days like this. It’s not necessarily sadness, but a sort of emotional fog that clouds my thoughts and makes everything feel a little more challenging. It’s the kind of day where even the simplest tasks seem to require more effort than usual, and motivation feels distant.

But I’m learning to just feel it. To acknowledge the emotions without trying to force them away or bury them under layers of distractions. It’s okay to have days like this, to not always be at your best. After all, we’re only human.

I think there's a certain beauty in being honest with ourselves about these moments. Life isn’t always sunshine and rainbows; sometimes, it's okay to just sit with the clouds, to let them linger without rushing them away. I’m giving myself permission to be present in this feeling, to let it wash over me without judgment.

Sometimes, just documenting these emotions helps—putting them into words, recognizing their presence, and letting them exist without trying to change them immediately. There’s something therapeutic about writing it down, almost as if capturing the emotion on paper (or screen) makes it easier to carry.

And who knows? Maybe by the time the sun decides to peek through the clouds again, I'll feel lighter too. But for now, I’m here, in this moment, just feeling it in.

Not a HAPI Ending.